4 research outputs found

    Estimation and comparison of conventional and genomic breeding values in Holstein cattle of Antioquia, Colombia

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    ABSTRACT Objetive. To estimate and compare breeding values (EBV) using the conventional method (BLUP) and genomic breeding values (MEBV and GEBV) estimated through bayes C method for milk yield and milk quality traits in dairy cattle in Antioquia, Colombia. Materials and methods. Two methods were used to estimate breeding values: BLUP to estimate conventional breeding value (EBV) and bayes C to estimate genomic values (MEBV and GEBV). The traits evaluated were: milk yield (PL), protein percentage (PPRO), fat percentage (PGRA) and score somatic cell (SCS). The methods (BLUP and bayes C) were compared using Person correlation (rp), Spearman rank correlation (rs) and linear regression coefficient (b). Results. The Pearson and Spearman correlations among EBVs and genomic values (MEBV and GEBV) (rpMEBV;EBV and rsGEBV;EBV) were greater than 0.93 and the linear regression coefficients of EBVs on genomic values (MEBV and GEBV) (bMEBV;EBV, and bGEBV;EBV) ranged between 0.954 and 1.051 in all traits evaluated. Conclusions. The predictions of genomic values (MEBV and GEBV), using bayes C method were consistent with the predictions of the EBVs estimate through the conventional method (BLUP) in conditions of high Colombian tropic, allowing to obtain high associations between the breeding values

    Evaluaci贸n gen贸mica en ganado Holstein Colombiano, usando genotipos imputados a densidad media

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    Objective. The goal of this study was to determine the accuracy and bias of direct genomic values (DGV) using imputed genotypes at medium density in yield- and reproduction-related traits for Holstein cattle from Antioquia, Colombia. Materials and Methods. A total of 31 animals were genotyped with the Illumina BovineLD chip, 64 with Illumina BovineSNP50v2 and 48 with Illumina BovineHD. Two SNP panels (6K and 40K) were imputed to a density of 44K using the FINDHAP.f90 v4 program. The effects of the SNPs were estimated using the Bayes C method, using low-density (6K) genotypes as well as medium-density imputed genotypes (44_imputed). The accuracy and bias of the DGVs were determined by cross-validation. The evaluated traits were: milk yield (MY), percentage of protein (PP), percentage of fat (PF), somatic cell score (SCS), calving interval (CI) and open days (OD). Results. When using the 6K panel, the accuracy values for DGV (rpDGV;EBV) in all the studied traits ranged from 0.19 to 0.24, and the bias (bDGV;EBV) from 0.03 to 0.16. In contrast, using the 44K_imputed panel generated higher accuracy values ranging from 0.24 to 0.33 and a bias ranging from 0.03 to 0.26. Conclusions. The accuracy of prediction the DGV was higher with genotypes imputed to medium densities when compared to the accuracy of prediction obtained using low-density genotypes. Therefore, in this study it is concluded that the imputation of genotypes is very useful, because it improves the reliability of the genomic evaluation.Objetivo. Determinar la precisi贸n y el sesgo de predicci贸n de valores gen贸micos directos (VGD) usando genotipos imputados a densidad media, en caracter铆sticas productivas y reproductivas en ganado Holstein de Antioquia, Colombia. Materiales y m茅todos. Fueron genotipificados 31 animales con el chip Illumina BovineLD, 64 con el chip Illumina BovineSNP50v2 y 48 con el chip Illumina BovineHD. La imputaci贸n se realiz贸 usando dos paneles de SNPs (6K y 40K) a una densidad 44K, usando el programa FINDHAP.f90 v4. Los efectos de los SNPs fueron estimados mediante el m茅todo bayes_C, usando genotipos de baja densidad (6K) y genotipos imputados a una densidad media (44_imputado). La precisi贸n y el sesgo de los VGDs fueron determinados mediante validaci贸n cruzada. Las caracter铆sticas evaluadas fueron: producci贸n de leche (PL), porcentaje de prote铆na (PRO), porcentaje de grasa (GRA), puntaje de c茅lulas som谩ticas (SCS), intervalo entre partos (IEP) y d铆as abiertos (DA). Resultados. Las precisiones de VGD (rpVGD;EBV) en todas las caracter铆sticas evaluadas oscilaron entre 0.19 y 0.24 y el sesgo (bVGD;EBV) entre 0.03 y 0.16 cuando se us贸 el panel 6K y usando el panel 44K_imputado las precisiones fueron mayores, oscilado entre 0.24 y 0.33 y sesgo entre 0.03 y 0.26. Conclusiones. La precisi贸n de predicci贸n de los VGDs fue mayor cuando se usaron genotipos imputados a densidad media, en comparaci贸n con la precisi贸n de predicci贸n obtenida empleando genotipos de baja densidad. Por lo cual, en este estudio se concluye que la imputaci贸n de genotipos es muy 煤til dado que aumenta la confiabilidad de la evaluaci贸n gen贸mica

    Estimation and comparison of conventional and genomic breeding values in Holstein cattle of Antioquia, Colombia

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    Objective. To estimate and compare breeding values (EBV) using the conventional method (BLUP) and genomic breeding values (MEBV and GEBV) estimated through bayes C method for milk yield and milk quality traits in dairy cattle in Antioquia, Colombia. Materials and methods. Two methods were used to estimate breeding values: BLUP to estimate conventional breeding value (EBV) and bayes C to estimate genomic values (MEBV and GEBV). The traits evaluated were: milk yield (PL), protein percentage (PPRO), fat percentage (PGRA) and score somatic cell (SCS). The methods (BLUP and bayes C) were compared using Person correlation (r p), Spearman rank correlation (r s) and linear regression coefficient (b). Results. The Pearson and Spearman correlations among EBVs and genomic values (MEBV and GEBV) (r pMEBV;EBV and r sGEBV;EBV) were greater than 0.93 and the linear regression coefficients of EBVs on genomic values (MEBV and GEBV) (bMEBV;EBV, and bGEBV;EBV) ranged between 0.954 and 1.051 in all traits evaluated. Conclusions. The predictions of genomic values (MEBV and GEBV), using bayes C method were consistent with the predictions of the EBVs estimate through the conventional method (BLUP) in conditions of high Colombian tropic, allowing to obtain high associations between the breeding values.Objetivo. Estimar y comparar valores gen茅ticos (EBV) usando el m茅todo convencional (BLUP) y valores gen贸micos (MEBV y GEBV) mediante el m茅todo bayes C en caracter铆sticas de producci贸n y calidad de la leche en ganado Holstein de Antioquia, Colombia. Materiales y m茅todos. Fueron empleados dos m茅todos para estimar valores gen茅ticos: BLUP para estimar valores gen茅ticos (EBV) y Bayes C para estimar valores gen贸micos (MEBV y GEBV). Las caracter铆sticas evaluadas fueron: producci贸n de leche (PL), porcentaje de prote铆na (PPRO), porcentaje de grasa (PGRA) y puntaje de c茅lulas som谩ticas (SCS). Los m茅todos BLUP y bayes C fueron comparadas usando correlaci贸n de Pearson (r p), correlaci贸n por rangos de Spearman (r s) y regresi贸n lineal (b). Resultados. Las correlaciones de Pearson y Spearman entre los EBVs y los valores gen贸micos (MEBV y GEBV) (r pMEBV;EBV y r sGEBV;EBV) fueron mayores de 0.93 y los coeficientes de regresi贸n entre los EBVs y los valores gen贸micos (MEBV y GEBV) (bMEBV;EBV, y bGEBV;EBV) oscilaron entre 0.954 y 1.051 en todas las caracter铆sticas evaluadas. Conclusiones. La predicci贸n de valores gen贸micos (MEBV y GEBV) usando el m茅todo Bayes C fue consistente con los EBVs estimados mediante el m茅todo BLUP en condiciones del tr贸pico alto colombiano, permitiendo obtener altas asociaciones entre los valores gen茅ticos